Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Girasol Jewelry - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

Girasol Jewelry
  8 x 10 - Pencil and acrylic paint on paper
 Original - Currently not available 
© 2019 Christopher Burdett
They are impatient, rude, and completely unhelpful. Why in the world anyone would buy from a Girasol is beyond me. And their offerings for sale are little more than bits of trash, the kind of things that are thrown away after an estate sale.

Ellun Vaask– Shopper
(Excerpt from an Impure Husk interview)
For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com

Monday, October 7, 2019

Assassination Request Scroll Case - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

Assassination Request Scroll Case
  8 x 10 - Pencil and acrylic paint on paper
 Original - Currently not available 
© 2019 Christopher Burdett

I met the most delightful lady in the alley while I was emptying the bins. Not sure what came over me, but I talked her ear off about the manor, her Ladyship, and how overworked I was. Without asking, she sent around some of her sons to help out in the kitchen and to tidy things up. They did a marvelous job, and they got the manor spic and span in no time at all. Sadly that was the same day her Ladyship fell down the stairs. So tragic. She never got a chance to see how clean and tidy everything was.

Mrs. Wizzle – Housekeeper
(Excerpt from the report taken by Constable Wadley
after the unexplained death of Ylithic Drivyio)

For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com

Monday, September 30, 2019

Infernal Pocket Reality - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

Infernal Pocket Reality
  8 x 10 - Pencil and acrylic paint on paper
 Original - Currently not available 
© 2019 Christopher Burdett

I can't stand them Gullets. I dropped my coin purse once and all of a sudden there it was. Almost like the Gullet was waiting for me to drop it. Before I could do anything, the damnable thing ate my purse, coins and all. I had a great many coins in that purse. A great many. And who is going to reimburse me? Shaper? Ole’ high and mighty Ethra? Not likely. Gullets, can't stand’em.

Tirg L’umbina – Animal Dealer
(Drunken complaint)

For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gray Wanderer's Talisman - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

Gray Wanderer's Talisman
  8 x 10 - Pencil and acrylic paint on paper
 Original - Currently not available 
© 2019 Christopher Burdett

My grandmother would tell me bedtime stories about the Wanderer in grey when I was a little girl. I would hide under my bed, scared that the Wanderer would come and take me away. My grandmother would try to comfort me by telling me that there was nothing to fear from the Wanderer if you were not wicked. As a little girl, my grandmother once saw the Wanderer and lived to tell the tale. Her parents said she was a blessed child while her neighbors said she was cursed. All I know is that I would rather not take the chance of meeting the Wanderer to find out which it is.

Vida Thill Saynoraq – Professor of Mathematics
(Personal journal)

For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com

Monday, September 9, 2019

Bowl of Teeth - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

Bowl of Teeth
10 x 8 - Pencil and acrylic paint on paper
 Original - Currently not available 
© 2019 Christopher Burdett

Those Shaper Sentries always send a cold shiver up my back. What are they called, Footman? Not really sure what it is. All of Shaper’s tools are technically alive, right? Those sentries just sit there all day and all night, never moving. I once saw a Footman stop an intruder that had climbed over a store’s wall after it had closed. The Footman was on the intruder in moments, not sure they ever had a chance. The intruder survived, but there was an awful mess to clean up.

Handrox the IV – Owner and operator of Handrox Perfumes
(Excerpt from an Impure Husk interview)

For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com

Monday, August 26, 2019

Jarred Wyrshlym - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

Jarred Wyrshlym
8 x 10 - Pencil and acrylic paint on paper
Original - Currently not available
© 2019 Christopher Burdett

Take the Wyrshlym of Thrakaa, for example. Shortly after I arrived on Kiervis, it came to my attention that one of, if not the most intelligent races on this world was on the verge of extinction. The Wyrshlym were small compared to the vast majority of the sentient races of this world. For even though they were small, they possessed the keenest of intellects. Unfortunately, to most other races, they appeared little more than a pest and a threat to livestock and crops. The Wyrshlym did not build great cities, nor did they wield powerful magicks. They were simple beings living day to day, at one with the world. I tried to intervene on their behave before I had built sufficient trust with the beings of Thrakaa. They saw me as an even greater threat than the Wyrshlym, which only accelerated their extermination. It was a common belief at the time that if I was trying to save the Wyrshlym, then they must be truly horrible. My mistake led to the extinction of an entire race, and it has weighed heavily upon me since. My hand in things must go unseen if I am not to disrupt the world any further, for my presence alone is a considerable disruption.

Ethra VanDalia

For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com

Monday, August 19, 2019

Rebec - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

8 x 10 - Pencil and acrylic paint on paper
Original - Currently not available
© 2019 Christopher Burdett

The flute whispers to me, in the dark, as I am falling asleep. I hear the music. It is like nothing I could ever imagine. It is sublime. It haunts me. I have tried to play what I hear, but it is beyond my skill level. I decided to return the flute to that old Eau-de-nil that sold it to me, but his shop is always closed. The flute calls to me to play it. I am scared.

Viss We-Shun Lo - Master Flutist with the Xeni Orchestra
(Personal journal)
For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com

Friday, August 16, 2019

Sunken Stalls - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

Sunken Stalls
16 x 20 - Pencil, acrylic, and ink on paper
© 2018 Christopher Burdett

The greatest diversity on Kiervis can be seen between those that walk the land and those that swim the seas. Each can be utterly alien to the other, and yet eerily similar. The need to expand the Bazaar into the Zweoorn River and Uhtoo Bay was present from the moment the first stone of my tower was laid. The races of the rivers, lakes, and seas had a keen interest in trading with each other and those upon the land. Once the commerce began between those above and below the water their differences quickly became apparent.

Ethra VanDalia

For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com

Friday, July 19, 2019

Judicator - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

11 x 14 - Pencil on paper

© 2017 Christopher Burdett

What’s worst than death? Finding yourself in court!

A joke often repeated by members of the Union of Thieves and Scoundrels
(Origins unknown)

I will give it to you straight. If I were you and a constable told me I needed to pay a penalty fee, even if I didn't do anything, I would pay it. Pay it on the spot, right then and there. Yeah, sure, there might be some corruption among the constables, but you do not want to take your chances and have a Judicator give the wrong verdict. Keep your nose clean and stay as far from a Judicator and the courts as possible.

Adeline Spieler – Public Defendant
(Conversation overheard in a bar)

For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Eau-de-nil Elder - The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia

Eau-de-nil Elder
11 x 14 - Pencil on paper
© 2016 Christopher Burdett

            The Eau-de-nil are some of the most skilled crafters residing in the Bazaar. Adult Eau-de-nil range from five to seven standard Bazaar cubits in height with the males being larger than the females. Their skin is a mottled gray-green with the color darkening at the end of their six limbs. Most Eau-de-nil are hairless, but it is not uncommon for larger males to have tufts of hair on their backs and around their ears. Their eyes can be dark blue to black, which gives them the appearance of having no pupils.

With four deft hands and a wealth of knowledge that has been passed down over many generations, Eau-de-nil have few crafting rivals. While capable of crafting almost anything they put their hands too, the Eau-de-nil are best known for their musical instruments. Many of the most famous musicians play Eau-de-nil instruments. Not only are the instruments capable of producing the best quality sounds, but the Eau-de-nil are also known to add secrets and surprises to everything they build. It is not uncommon for an Eau-de-nil instrument to have a secret compartment for a weapon, or for that matter to have a hidden weapon built into the instrument. Not all of the secrets of the Eau-de-nil are so aggressive, but like so many, they create what the market demands. I have personally examined musical instruments that contained compartments for extra strings or reeds, a second or even a third additional instrument, and some instruments that can be transformed into different instruments altogether.

There are accounts collected in the Tabellary of Truths that suggest that Eau-de-nil crafted instruments contain magickal properties. That said, there have never been any Eau-de-nil wielders of magicks, and there are no records to indicate the Eau-de-nil have contracted the services of magickal crafters. There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence collected in Grgur’s Tome of Archaic Events from musicians claiming that their instruments can enhance their abilities, generate accompanying music, or even play themselves. Even so, there is still a lack of documented evidence that Eau-de-nil instruments are magickal or are anything more than musical instruments created by superior crafters.

Recently, some Eau-de-nil have begun to move away from focusing on musical instruments. Seeking more profitable and higher demand wares, many have started creating armor and weapons. While still sought after, there is a consensus that these other items lack something that the Eau-de-nil instruments possess. What that missing element is, I cannot say. Perhaps given enough time Eau-de-nil armor will be as widely known and praised as Eau-de-nil instruments.

Agatha Luculent Habile, Acolyte of the Impure Husk
(Research submission)
For more samples of my work head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com